9 Strategies on How to Do Intermittent Fasting

In this post, we’re going to discuss how to do intermittent fasting properly and strategies to make fat loss downright effortless. Now, I’ve been utilizing intermittent fasting for the last five years. That said, it’s only been the last 1-2 years that I’ve really seen amazing results. This post will outline the best possible way on…

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3 Strategies On How To Hit Strength Gains Every Workout

strength gains

Are you tired of having good and bad workout days? Some days you feel unstoppable, while on others, you feel as if the weight is crushing you… In this article, I wanted to share with you my three best strategies to help you hit consistent strength gains from workout to workout. For example, recently I…

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How Trent Went From Skinny to Muscular (And How You Can Too)

Kinobody welcomes guest author, Trent McCloskey (Instagram) who, despite being super skinny and always struggled to gain muscle and strength, took his physique to astonishing heights! Currently, he is running his own site and YouTube Channel to further help skinny guys take their physiques to the next level. Today, he really wanted to share his…

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How You Can Build Up To A 100 LB Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Hitting a 100 lb dumbbell shoulder press in a gym

In this article, I’m going to share with you my best strategies for getting incredibly strong on the seated dumbbell shoulder press. Before we dive right in, here’s something to always keep in mind. Building an amazing physique ultimately comes down to getting very strong on the key movements (seated dumbbell shoulder press being one…

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Why Strength Training Will Increase Fat Loss On a Diet

It’s evident that strength training will always be popular in the fitness industry. And in today’s post, I wanted to put a little spin on things and address why strength and weight training is the single most important thing for fat loss. Even more important than cardio. Now keep in mind, this article is not…

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The Real Reason Why You Can’t Build Muscle

You may be asking yourself: “Why can’t I gain or build muscle no matter what?” If you’ve been having a hard time putting on muscle and strength, you’re going to want to read this post. Face it, most advice around gaining muscle is flat out wrong! It’s not focused on gaining muscle, but rather, gaining…

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